Another great Friday… well I guess I wouldn’t jump right to “good” but I’m still alive so I guess it’s pretty good.
So, it’s been 8 days since I stopped smoking, I am so ornery and snapping at everybody, if you are one of the casualties from today, I’m really sorry but, I guess that’s one of the side effects, so I’m good. Who knew that to quit smoking would be so hard? I really liked smoking but thought it was time to get in shape, I’m not getting any younger.
Took me 45 minutes to get home tonight and didn’t have anybody flick me off or rear-end me, score another point. And lastly, I didn’t pick up any hitchhikers with hatchets, actually I didn’t pick up any hitchhikers at all, do people even hitchhike anymore?
Now I’m going through my emails and my finger is getting sore from deleting the numerous Best Buy and LifeLock Theft Protection emails, I must have clicked on the wrong site because now I’m getting tons of this shit. I click the opt-out link and it seems like, I get even more, it’s like somebody at these companies are really trying to mess with me. Again, both good companies and I do business with both, so not slamming them.
I had my fun today, I plugged into @woodbridgeitalians with Zio Flippo’s live feed on Instagram, just a great way to break up the day and read all the great comments in real time. Zio attracts a fun audience… it felt like a bonding session with a bunch of complete strangers, but they’re part of the family now, lol. if you get a chance, visit them on Instagram.
OMG! A whole group of weirdo cult worshiper type people just invaded Starbucks… they’re all hugging on each other like they just won the showcase on the "Price is Right" or something… I’m out of here… Have a great night everybody, I’m looking forward to tomorrow, it’s my wife’s birthday.