Sunday, April 2, 2017

Live your life the way YOU want to!


Let’s face it, the world is a mess!  Will it get better?  All I can say is I hope so, but why fret on what’s not in our control, let’s take control of what we can change, we are the government of our own being.  Nobody can tell you how you should or need to live.

Family is very important and life revolves around family, you make a life for your kids and do the best you can do to provide and give them the things they need, you feed and clothe them, you help them with their homework, you work extra hard to pay all the bills and you do this for many, many years.  Your spouse works equally as hard because you are a team, regardless of the situation, we are responsible for our kids until they are adults.  After everything is said and done, the kids grow, they leave home, go to college, get married, whatever the case, this would be a good time to reevaluate your life.

You don’t need a lot of money; in many cases, you may not need any money.  It’s time to let your hair down, enjoy life and live a little, not the way society dictates.  Sit in your yard or on your patio with a drink, and make a bucket list… start with the most realistic item, number them 1) go to Hawaii, 2) buy a motorcycle, 3) smoke weed, lol...  Just thought I’d stick a risky one in there, but you don’t need to do anything risky if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

Make adjustments a little at a time, take control of your life and enjoy it… never feel guilty about having fun or treating yourself.

What are your thoughts?  


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